Massive landslide near Nalda village of the Lahaul and Spiti district in Himachal Pradesh on Friday has blocked the flow of Chenab River.No loss of life or property has been reported in the incident so far."River is blocked and only 10-15 per cent water is discharging currently. Villages have been evacuated and a helicopter has been deployed for aerial survey," Sudesh Kumar Mokta, Director of Disaster Management said.Sudesh Kumar also informed that the deployment of the NDRF team is underway, and the local administration is taking stock of everything.Superintendent of Police (SP) Manav Verma said, "We have requested all the Panchayat Pradhans to evacuate the people from the lower line area of nearby villages.
from Current Affairs
from Current Affairs
Himachal Pradesh: Landslide blocks flow of Chenab river in Lahaul Spiti
Reviewed by শ্রী শ্রী সত্যনারায়ণ নমঃ
August 13, 2021
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